Single Tooth Replacement

Every Tooth Is Important

Believe it or not, every tooth in your mouth plays a critical role in your oral health, and Oral Surgery and Implant Institute KC offers single tooth replacement in Kansas City, MO so you can have your best set of teeth. Even if you lost a rear tooth and don’t feel like it impacts your smile or speech, leaving that space empty can cause further dental issues. Bone deterioration and infection are common side effects of missing teeth. Let’s work together to ensure you can take advantage of the options for a healthy smile.
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Single Tooth Implants

Dental implants are usually the preferred method for the best results, whether you need to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. Implants are fastened permanently in the jawbone, allowing the bone to attach to the implant post. This process eliminates the concern of bone deterioration associated with missing teeth.
man with glasses smiling

Happy Smiles

Patients with a single missing tooth filled with a dental implant will enjoy a replacement nearly indistinguishable from the rest of the natural teeth. Confident smiles and healthy mouths are huge benefits.

Full Function

Implants are reliable and durable, meaning you can continue eating and drinking the healthy foods and beverages you enjoy now without worrying about limitations. Your speech and pronunciation will continue as normal.

Easy Care

Caring for your dental implant is simple. You will brush and floss regularly, as recommended by the ADA. The implant and cap are not removable and don’t require extra care like dentures, such as soaking at night.

We Prioritize Patients

If you’re missing a single tooth and wondering about replacement options, contact the professionals at Oral Surgery and Implant Institute KC in Kansas City, MO. During a consultation appointment, we can discuss your options and suggest a solution that will be best to achieve your desired results based on the condition of the rest of your teeth. You can always expect a quality experience with our team.
man smiling with arms crossed