Trauma and Facial Reconstruction

Oral Trauma Services

If you’ve suffered facial trauma and oral injuries, Oral Surgery and Implant Institute KC provides various trauma and facial reconstruction options to help you heal and regain the function of your teeth and jawbones. We’ve come to the aid of many patients who’ve been hurt in falls and other accidents with varying levels of injury. Our compassionate team provides essential treatments, enabling you to rehab properly. Seeking treatment early is essential for the healing process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team.
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What We Can Do for You

As oral surgeons, we have in-depth education, training, knowledge, and experience in all aspects of the face and mouth, including the teeth, gums, jawbones, and surrounding areas. After trauma, we provide services to relieve pain, regain bite function, prevent additional infections or complications, and restore facial aesthetics.
doctor showing patient a dental x-ray

Tooth Splints

This dental appliance is used to stabilize and support teeth damaged in an accident. Fractured or knocked-out teeth might require a splint to reposition them. This is a temporary device used in the healing process.

Jaw Wiring

Similar to a cast on a broken arm or leg, jaw wiring is used to hold the jawbones in place after trauma. Wiring ensures the bones and tissues have ample time to heal. Without this, healing would be difficult with constant jaw movement.

Additional Options

Depending on the severity of your trauma and injury, we might use additional methods to help you heal and recover. Metal plates support damaged facial structures, and implants can be inserted to replace missing teeth.

We Are Here So You Can Heal

The staff at Oral Surgery and Implant Institute KC understands the stress and anxiety that follows a serious injury and traumatic event. Our facial reconstruction services for patients in Kansas City, MO bring peace of mind that a trusted and experienced team has your best interests at the forefront during this time. We will develop a customized plan to ensure you get the treatment and healing you deserve.
man with glasses smiling